Are you a WEAK LEADER?

You're a weak leader if any of these scenarios make you cringe because they resonate...

🗣 When in your all-hands meeting, people talk over you, and you find yourself nodding yes to things you disagree with just to keep the peace.

💭 You spend a tremendous amount of time thinking about how to deliver feedback in your 1:1 so the recipient (whose quality of work sucks) feels “empowered” and “motivated.”

🟢 When your go-to-market consultant suggests a “surefire” way to increase reach, you green-light it. Even though your gut is telling you, it’s not the most impactful strategy.

🤸‍♀️You know for certain that your business can not sustain carrying two team members after the new year in September. Yet, you keep stalling on letting them go because taking action feels like a failure.

If any of these examples hit a nerve, you may be a weak leader.

The good news is that your lazy, avoidant, passive, and fearful leadership approach can be transformed into 3 simple steps. 😉

Although the technique is simple – it’s not easy.

But it works.

This technique will help you transform into a powerful values-aligned leader who leads with confidence, grace, ease, and impact.

3 Steps To​
🛑 STOP Being a Weak Ass Leader 🛑

Before you jump into the framework, choose a specific scenario/ dynamic/ situation where your weak leadership is causing the most friction or keeps you stuck.

If you don’t use a specific scenario, this won’t work.

Use that specific sticky spot through the 3 steps below.

POWER UP: Choose the scenario that feels the most shame-filled, embarrassing, or cringe-worthy.

SUPPLIES: A blank digital document or paper and pen.

STEP 1: Where’s the fear?

Weak leadership is rooted in one central place: FEAR.

My Dad always told me ‘fear” stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Let’s apply Solid-Dad-Wisdom for step one & courageously pull your fear into the light.

Call to mind the various dynamics that are active in your chosen scenario:

  • What thoughts + physical sensations start to become activated?

  • What do you notice under the thoughts/ sensations/ story?

My friend, what lives under the story is your fear. Say ciao to it!

It’s just false evidence that feels sooooo fucking real and scary. Don't panic. It’s not real. It’s here to teach you something.

Write/copy every word below, then fill in the blanks.

Name it: I am afraid of _____ (3 words max)

Scale it: (On a scale of 1-5), my fear is a _____ (pick a number: 1 = Not fearful at all, 5 = Terrified).

Own it: I’m going to get the courage for this journey by honoring my value of ____ (choose a value).

Claim it: “Yes, I'm afraid of _____ (pull from above), but I’m choosing to courageously take action that aligns with my value of _____ (value from above). I’m committed to getting compassionately curious about where that [asshole] fear came from and writing a new fear-less leadership story.

STEP 2: Where’s the opportunity?

It’s hard to notice your leadership has been weak sauce. But it also means you are an active, mindful, and present leader willing to grow.

Your humility & courage are what make you an impactful leader. By choosing to use this as an opportunity to grow, you are defining your leadership legacy.

🤘Hell yes!

Call to mind your scenario and notice where the opportunity is to:

  • Be a more active + mindful + present leader?

  • Heal your personal trauma/garbage that is causing your leadership’s blind spots?

Write/copy every word below, then fill in the blanks.

Name it: I can see that my blind spot of _____ (3 words max) is blocking me from creating _____ (3 words max) with my team and prevents me from creating _____ (3 words max) in my business.

Scale it: (on a scale of 1-5) The impact of using this opportunity is a _____ (pick a number: 1 = Not that impactful, 5 = Super impactful).

Own it: I’m going to get clarity and strength for this journey by honoring my value of _____ (choose a value).

Claim it: This is a great opportunity to _____ (3 words max). To honor this commitment, I need support + accountability. Here’s how I'll do that… (use as many words as you need to self-design a support + accountability plan).

STEP 3: Where’s the impact?

Growing pains are not comfy, and you need INSPIRATION.

You’ve grabbed so much clarity and insight from steps one and two; now, let’s inspire you to finish the process.

To help you zoom out and get perspective on your scenario, I want you to literally pull this screen far away from your face zone. Get actual physical distance from your device.

Now, mentally and energetically, zoom out 80,000 feet above your weak leadership scenario.

Notice how this opportunity holds the possibility to:

  • Grow as a leader

  • Lead with grace

  • Scale with ease

Write/copy every word below, then fill in the blanks.

Name it: By leaning into this experience, I'm becoming a leader who's known for _____ (3 words max) and a visionary who creates _____ (3 words max).

Scale it: The impact of being a courageous leader + a true visionary is a _____ (pick a number: 1 = Not that impactful, 5 = Super impactful).

Own it: I’m going to get inspiration for this journey by honoring my value of _____ (choose a value).

Claim it: I am a values-aligned leader + visionary who leads with ______ (5 words max). I use every leadership moment as an opportunity to create ________ (5 words max).

👏 Congrats 👏
You did a hard, beautiful thing!

I’m so proud of you.

I encourage you to use the wisdom you received from these 3 steps and take values-aligned action in your leadership.

Now, go forward and use your leadership journey to create impact from a place of confidence, grace, and ease.

Remember, you're exactly where you need to be + you're doing a really, really good job.

Love your face,
❤️ AP


4 Books You Need: Volume 1


Identify Your Company’s 5 Core Values in 5 Simple Steps in 5 Minutes