How can you really feel “whole”?

This conversation has been the topic du jour these past few weeks with both clients and friends. What makes us whole? What is wholeness?

Here’s my definition:

Being whole is the process of honoring all that you are physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, environmentally, and spiritually.

You’re already whole. A whole person. Complete.

When you walk so far away from yourself + your dreams that you have no idea who you are – you’re still whole.

When you feel separate, disconnected, distracted, and broken – you’re still whole.

When you stumble, fail, and really blow it – yup, still whole.

What would happen in the way you live, if you felt completely whole RIGHT NOW?

Seriously. Stop. Process that.

In one of my recent coaching sessions I asked: How would you talk to yourself, stop people pleasing and rehearsing, get healthy, be creative, and go after what you desire more than anything in this big giant world - if you felt whole, NOW?

Now it’s your time to find the answer.

Stand in your wholeness.

Honor all that you ALREADY are physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, environmentally and spiritually.

Invite the wisdom of truth to light your path towards change.

💜 AP


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